For full day rentals, you can choose 2 cars with your rental from 01.09.2023. Please call us after booking to indicate the second car!

Frequently asked Questions

We will answer all your questions!

We will answer all your questions! 

Below are some of the questions frequently asked, if you do not see a question or answer below, please do contact us at to better serve you. 

If you still can't find something, visit our contact page and we will answer all your questions in a short time!

We do our best to offer Eastern European cars that range from 1975-1990s to our customers. The following cars are currently available for rent:

  • Trabant 601
  • Lada 2101
  • Skoda 105s
  • Skoda 120
  • Moszkvics 2140
  • Dacia 1310 TLX
  • Wartburg 353
  • Moszkvics 412

We are constantly building our fleet, please inquire about our most recent classic eastgear car additions list by contacting us email or phone. We keep updating our website with the most recent news.

  • The driver shall be a person over the age of 18 with a category B license obtained for a minimum of 2 years.
  • Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC), which was agreed to by clicking on the GTC link on our website or at the bottom of our confirmation email.
  • Valid drivers license
  • Valid ID card / Passport
  • Address card
  • Total amount of the deposit in cash
  • The car can be driven by anyone who has a category B license, not subject to a driving ban and not consumed alcohol. Please note that during the rental period, the signatory assumes legal responsibility for the car.
  • All cars have manual transmission. Practical knowledge of how to use a clutch is essential.
  • Our cars are all classic vehicles therefore, operating them their driving requires more care and increased awareness with an understanding that stopping distances need to be greater and steering requires more effort than non-classic cars.

Yes, it is necessary. The amount of the deposit is HUF 75,000 or EUR 250 which we can accept in cash - we will return the full deposit after the car is returned intact and complete.

The cars are located in Budapest at district 16th. We will send you the exact location after booking, and our tours will also start fromthe point/address we provide. If required, we can deliver the vehicle anywhere within Budapest. You will see our prices at the time of booking:

  • In districts XIV, XV, XVI and XVII: HUF 5,000
  • In districts IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and XIII: HUF 8,000
  • In Buda and other districts: HUF 12,000

If the driver option is selected, the price also includes the delivery of the vehicle to the address.

Credit card payment is only possible through our website. Cash payment by exception if necessery or we have made an individual offer or in the case of a multi-day rental. In this case, the cash payment must be selected after confirming the rental date and payment is possible on the spot upon arrival.

You can choose from multiple payment options on our website such as Simple Pay or Stripe applications, and you can also find the transfer payment option.

We are also working on the SZÉP KÁRTYA acceptance option, please inquire about accessing this service by contacting us.

Fines must be paid by the signatory. Our company pays the fines and charges the user who commits the violation according to the GTC. We apply administration fee on top of the fine. Based on the system data, we know who used the car at that time and will charge the customer accordingly.

  • In the case of our organized tours, the prices include fuel, but for renting a classic car for 1 or more days, the renter is obliged to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel as upon pick up. In this case, the fuel level position is recorded on the Handover-Takeover document.
  • All our vehicles run on petrol.
  • Az autók töltése és tankolása elsődlegesen kollégáink feladata, de amennyiben visszavétel előtt meg kell tankolnod az autót, akkor kérlek lépj kapcsolatba velünk a 36302918252 vagy a +36202875255 számon, mert kétütemű autóink üzemanyagtartályába speciális adalékot kell tölteni, mely az autó csomagtartójában előre elhelyeztünk és adagolásához adunk segítséget.
  • Kérjük hívja a +36302918252 vagy a +36202875255 számot.
  • In Budapest, we try to solve the problem within 4 hours and / or provide a replacement car as soon as it is possible 

Értesítsd az Ügyfélszolgálatot +36-30-291-8252-es telefonszámon és amennyiben szükséges a hatóságokat is. A helyszínen várd meg még kollégánk kiérkezik. Az autókon természetesen kötelező felelősségbiztosítás van. Az autókban okozott kárért a felhasználó a teljes kár összegének 100%-áért anyagi felelősséggel tartozik. Más autójában okozott kárt a kötelező felelősségbiztosítás terhére téríti meg a biztosító.

  • Our vehicles can only be used in Hungary. Crossing the border is only possible with special written permission.

  • Our cars have an annual motorway sticker covering the road toll in Pest County. If the car is used outside Pest county, the driver must pay the toll, except for the tours organized by us.

  • Parking in public places in Budapest have a fee and it has to be paid by the customer. This rule does not apply for our organized tours where the service cost covers the parking fees during the trip.

  • It is not possible to fit a child seat in many occasions there is no ISOFIX system and many occasions rear seat belt. The seat belt was not a mandatory accessory in the time of manufacture of our vehicles and we cannot retrofit it.

  • There is a 100 km daily limit for our cars, which is included in the rental fee. Any use above the limit is not recommended due to the age and technical characteristics of the cars and we charge 50ft / km. In case of multi-day rental, we will give you a more favorable, individual price offer for the planned rental period.

  • Smoking is not allowed in the cars. If the customers do not comply with this, we will charge the cost of cleaning the vehicle and 1-day rental fee, as we cannot temporarily rent out the vehicle.

  • There is no opportunity to connect smart devices to our cars (no USB), so you can't make handsfree phone calls while driving.
  • The reservation can be canceled at any time, but the full amount can only be refunded up to 48 hours before the day of booking.
  • In case of cancellation within 48 hours from the date of booking, we will be able to refund the amount, but reduced by the value of the prepaid tickets, driver's fee and other non-cancellable services we already commited to our partners.

  • In the case of some tours, the cancellation or modification deadline may differ, depending on our obligations to our partners (hotel reservations, pre-purchase of tickets, etc.). we can provide more information in the description of the tours or via phone or email.

  • The reservation can be changed up to 24 hours from the date of booking. After that, we will no longer be able to make changes to the booking and related services. Changing the address of the Home Delivery Service may be an exception. In the case of a modified transaction, we will no longer accept cancellations.

There is a certified copy of the registration certificate in the glove compartment of the car, it must be presented together with the personal documents and the rental contract.

Mindkét esetben kérjük, hogy hívd az Ügyfélszolgálatunkat a +36-30-291-8252-es telefonszámon vagy írj e-mailt az e-mail címre.

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Kérdés esetén keressen Minket bizalommal az alábbi telefonszámon: +36 30 291 8252