For full day rentals, you can choose 2 cars with your rental from 01.09.2023. Please call us after booking to indicate the second car!

VW 1300 Bogar/Käfer


VW 1300 Bogar/Käfer

From: 56

Car features

Additional information

License plate number




Year of manufacture


Cylinder capacity

1285 cm3

Maximum power output

40 KW



Number of seats with driver



4 speed

Car description

The very first car model produced by the Volkswagen group from 1938 to 2003, 21 500 000 units were sold by June 2002. This made it the third best-selling car model in the world.

Ferdinand Porsche, who is credited as the creator of the Beetle, played a major role in the development of the car, but wrongly. But the development of the Beetle goes back even further. Béla Barényi drew up detailed plans as early as 1925.

It has been exported to the USA and many other countries around the world. A major milestone in production was reached on 17 February 1972, when the Volkswagen Beetle overtook the Ford Model T in terms of sales. In the early 1970s, sales declined as the Beetle faced increasing competition from significantly more modern small cars. In 1974, production of the successor model, the VW Golf, began in Wolfsburg and in 1978 production of the Beetle in Germany was completed. After that it was only produced in Mexico and Brazil. VW continued to offer the Beetle in Germany until 1985.

A total of 21 529 464 VW Beetles were produced, of which 15.8 million units (of which around 330 000 convertibles) were manufactured in Germany. The last Beetle, chassis number 3VWS1A1B54M905162, was completed on 30 July 2003.

Don’t miss out



Please read the booking information below carefully! We are not able to handover our cars if these conditions are not fully met! 

If you want to book for a longer period, contact us via phone or email and we will give you a unique offer!

Foglalást leadni ideiglenesen csak telefonon, vagy e-mailen keresztül lehetséges:

  • *Date and time

    The 2-hour blocks are only available if you select 1 day in the calendar. If you book for multiple days, we can only process the whole day option.

    *Pick-up time in the morning

    When are you coming to pick up the car?

    *Pick-up time in the afternoon

    When are you coming to pick up the car?

    *Pick-up time

    When are you coming to pick up the car?

    *How would you like to receive take over the car?
    *Do you want a driver?
    *Shipping address
en_GBEnglish (UK)

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