From: €56
Year of manufacture | 1990 |
Cylinder capacity | 595 cm3 |
Maximum power output | 19 KW |
Fuel | Petrol |
Gear | Shift 4-speed transmission |
Number of seats with driver | 2 |
Trabant is a legendary East German vehicle type, manufactured from 1957 to 1991. It is one of the role models of the socialist era, the fruit of the hard work of our diligent people.
Comrades recorded the expectations: no more than 600 kilograms, enough space for a hard-working German family, no more than five and a half liters per hundred kilometers, ability to manufacture at least 12,000 pieces a year, and costs less than 4,000 Deutsche Mark.
At the Zwickao plant, two types of workers have assembled this high-quality technical achievement. One model was folded the other glued it.
Popular name was paper jaguar.
One of the distinctive pieces of our fleet is our baby blue trabant, which was built at home by the previous owner. Unfortunately, due to lack of time, he was unable to complete the rebuilding of the car, so we took it over in a semi-finished state. The energy and time we spent was not in vain, because our clients have the opportunity to try such an unusual Trabant.
Please read the booking information below carefully! We are not able to handover our cars if these conditions are not fully met!
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