For full day rentals, you can choose 2 cars with your rental from 01.09.2023. Please call us after booking to indicate the second car!

Skoda S100


Skoda S100

From: 56

Car features

Additional information

Year of manufacture


Cylinder capacity

988 cm3

Maximum power output

33 KW



Number of seats with driver


Car description

The Skoda of the 70s entered the market with few technical but even more aesthetic innovations. The S100 was the first Czech car where sales numbers reached seven digits, and its technical foundations lasted for a quarter of a century.

The S100 model arrived in 1969 and inherited the technical solutions of the 1000 MB, although there was progress in the braking system. The first drum brake was replaced by a disc brake produced under a more modern Dunlop license, and the S100 had two circuits instead of a single-circuit brake system. The exterior became cleaner, fewer decorations were added, due to the rear-engine design, the mask without a radiator grille and the cooling opening on the rear fender remained. At the back was a one-liter, 42-horsepower engine, which drove the rear wheels through a four-speed gearbox. For better weight distribution, extra weight was sometimes placed in the front luggage compartment. The S100 was available in more options. S100 L was available with more chrome and a four-speed windshield wiper and for those who wanted a stronger engine, there was the S110, with a 1.1-liter block that produced 52 horsepower. The most expensive version was the Skoda 110R, which was nicknamed the "Czechoslovak Porsche".

Don’t miss out



Please read the booking information below carefully! We are not able to handover our cars if these conditions are not fully met! 

If you want to book for a longer period, contact us via phone or email and we will give you a unique offer!

Foglalást leadni ideiglenesen csak telefonon, vagy e-mailen keresztül lehetséges:

  • *Date and time

    The 2-hour blocks are only available if you select 1 day in the calendar. If you book for multiple days, we can only process the whole day option.

    *Pick-up time in the morning

    When are you coming to pick up the car?

    *Pick-up time in the afternoon

    When are you coming to pick up the car?

    *Pick-up time

    When are you coming to pick up the car?

    *How would you like to receive take over the car?
    *Do you want a driver?
    *Shipping address
en_GBEnglish (UK)

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